I'm scurrying to get ready for work, but I needed to take a break to get a few things off my chest. First off, Money: We all need it, we all like it, but it just never wants to stay in our pockets or bank accounts. This is why I hate money, because it never seems like I have enough, which is very frustrating because I have so many loans, debts, and bills to pay on every month. This month I lucked out as I got my tax return, but sadly, I did not get to fully enjoy it or put it towards new tires for my truck. Instead, half of it went to my parents (part of it was a past debt that I've been meaning to pay off, the rest went to the property taxes which are not nearly as outrageous as the school taxes around here!), another small percentage went to Tara, and the rest went to groceries, gasoline, nearly two dozen (used and cheaply priced) DVDs, and lastly, my loans and bills. I delivered a pained laugh an hour ago as my bank account had over $1,100 dollars in it, the most I've ever had since I first started my checking account years ago. By the time this week ends, I'll have maybe forty or fifty bucks left. After I budgeted my money, wrote out checks, and put them out in the mailbox, I just had to laugh... to keep from crying.... DAMN YOU MONEY! DAMN YOU TO HELL!
My second little tirade focuses on the tragic slaying of 32 (or was it 33? Depends on the news station I suppose.) college students at the hand of a "mentally unbalanced maniac." Ok, this Cho kid did something terrible and I'm not condoning his actions at all. But, I'm not placing all the blame on this now deceased college psycho. I'm blaming society! Yeah, that's right! You, me, everyone! It's our fault stuff like this happens and I will tell you why. It's because that people are so damned cruel, to one another that the occasional high school or college kid suddenly snaps and goes on a shooting spree. Cho was an outcast and that's something I know a lot about. From grade school, up until my Sophomore year in high school, I was pretty much a social outcast, if only because I was a chubby, dorky-looking kid. I was picked on constantly, made fun of, bullied, and beaten up. I was driven off of a Little League team and a Soccer team because I couldn't take the abuse any longer. However, I was eventually befriended by a group of well... jocks. They took me in, made me the chubby mascot of their group, taught me how to play sports, and saved me from becoming a violent killer with nothing to live for. Had it not been for them, I probably wouldn't be here today, or I would be a completely different person altogether. I thank the good Lord every day that I was befriended by Bryan Scopeletti, Bruce Cavalotti, John Karam, and Danny Horn.
Anyway, what I'm saying is this: If a kid is a misfit, or outcast, try and befriend him/her, or at the least, treat them nicely. Kids are pretty damned cruel and don't realize what kind of damage they can do by trouncing on someone's self esteem on a frequent basis, so hey, let's all get along and not be mean to each other. (HA! Like that'll ever happen.) Oh, and if someone is acting really weird, or shows violent patterns of behavior, or (in Cho's case) writes insanely violent, gory, nightmarish stories or screenplays, then tell someone about it! There are always warning signs before the shit hits the fan and if they are ignored, then the consequences can be dire to say the least.
I've said my piece on these subjects (to recap: Money is a necessary evil. We all love it and simultaneously hate it. Be nice to weirdo kids and people, that may save your life when they finally snap and go on a rampage.)
Well it's time to get my arse to work! Blog ya later.