Today is April 1st, and that means.... ? Well yeah, people get their pension and social security checks in the mail, duh. It also means that you should beware, for today is the day of jokes and pranks! Why? Well apparently nobody really knows (see
Wikipedia), though apparently we can blame Noah for it? (The Great Flood was simply a prank gone wrong, wasn't it Noah? WASN'T IT?!)
To celebrate this throwaway prank day, here is a trailer for the original APRIL FOOL'S DAY, a slasher film that turns out to not be a slasher film... which is why its called April Fool's Day, because it fooled people into going to see it. Still, its a piece of horror history and should be given SOME love:
Also, in honor of April Fool's Day, those magnificent bastards at Fright-Rags have released two HILARIOUS shirt ideas that look awesome and will tickle your funny bone. First up....
You're all my KITTENS now! |
Hee hee! Show people the softer side of Fred Krueger with this adorable "YOU'RE ALL MY KITTENS NOW" t-shirt! It comes in all sizes (Small to XXXL) and goes for $19.95! The other new goofball design is pure genius:
The (completely) Lost Boys! |
Hahahahahaha. Own this shirt that begs the question, "What if the Lost Boys really were lost?" This one also goes for $19.95 and comes in all sizes.
That's all the April Fool's news that's fit to print, so here's some website news to bore you with.
* I am nearly done getting the Vault back on its feet. I'm still restoring posts to both
Radiation-Scarred Reviews and
MMA Addict, but once those are done I am going to be writing a heap of new content. I've had so many ideas bouncing around my skull lately that I need to get them down on paper! Or... well, Wordpad anyway.
* I was just interviewed from a gentleman from
Flush the about b-cinema for their ongoing MONSTER MOVIE MONTH series of articles! Hopefully yours truly doesn't come off as a moron. I'll be posting the interview as soon as it is uploaded to the web!
* I've had offers from several folks to contribute reviews to the site and have given them the OK. If you would like to contribute reviews or articles to The Vault, drop me an e-mail at vault_master[at]bmoviefilmvault[dot]com! The only upside (besides having your writing published on the web for all the world to see) is that I can send some movie screeners your way for reviewing purposes!
* I've had a few advertising offers for the Vault this past week so you may see more ads and whatnot around the site. The Vault easily pays for itself at this point (mainly from commissions, which have really dried up lately) but I can really use some extra cash to pay some bills. If I do accept some new advertising offers on the site, I will try to keep them relatively minimal, because I for one hate going to websites that are practically CONSUMED by ads! (And I promise right here and now.... NO POP UP ADS! EVER!)