To find out when your tax refund will be sent to you CLICK HERE and type in your social security number and the exact amount you are expecting to get back. (My refund check is being mailed out tomorrow! Thank the Gods!)
The other question floating around in everyone's mind, is "Am I getting that dang-blasted Tax Rebate that ole President Bushy Jr. keeps gummin' about?" To find out about that, and to see how much you will most likely be getting, CLICK HERE. Have your copy of your tax return forms ready. (According to this Tax Rebate Calculator, I'm due for $600.00! My check should be in the mail by May 23rd! Rock N' Roll!) To find out when you should get your tax rebate, CLICK HERE.
So if you're bad with money like I am, just hang in there! The government will be sending your money soon! If you can't wait and need cash immediately, here's what you can do: Sell your blood, sell your sperm (or ovum if you're of the female persuasion), sell your body, roll change, mow a lawn, shovel a driveway, do small oddjobs for your neighbors, hire yourself out as a hitman, or become a scientific guinea pig for a day.
Well I must be off to work, so have a great day b-movie fans! Blog ya later!
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