Thursday, April 4, 2013

Check out the trailers for ERASED and ONLY GOD FORGIVES!

Got a couple of trailers for you guys and gals to scope out while I do a "ninja-vanish" for most of tomorrow. First up is the trailer for ERASED, which hits video on demand services TOMORROW and theaters on May 17th. Ever wondered what TAKEN would have been like if it starred pre-Two Face Harvey Dent? Well, then this is the movie for you!

If I found out that my dad was a CIA operative that could kill people with his bare hands, I'd be awestruck and impressed. He'd be my hero. Not so the case here. As soon as Eckhart's daughter discovers that he can murder people with ease, she freaks out and becomes a liability. Still, I'm sure he manages to save the day, rescue his daughter, and live a tranquil life as somebody else until the ee-vil government comes knockin' in the eventual direct-to-DVD sequel! Doesn't look like anything special, but I'd give it a watch.

Next up is a trailer I've been waiting for because A.) I have a man-crush on Ryan Gosling (hard to believe I ever used to dislike him as an actor) and B.) because his last team up with Nicolas Winding Refn (DRIVE) was freakin' awesome. Here is the redband trailer for ONLY GOD FORGIVES:

It looks pretty interesting to say the least. Set in Bangkok, Thailand, Gosling plays a drug kingpin that is tasked with avenging the death of his brother. Swordplay, fistfights, bloodletting, and probably a kick ass soundtrack then ensue! Look for ONLY GOD FORGIVES in theaters on July 19th!

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